[Translate to English:] dankbares Kind mit Geschenk

Thank you for 2024

These are the bottles that the children from the prevention programs receive in their “care package” for Christmas in the various projects. In the…
[Translate to English:] Mädchen mit Trinkflasche

Bottles for Potable Water

These are the bottles that the children from the prevention programs receive in their “care package” for Christmas in the various projects. In the…
[Translate to English:]

Information on Sponsorships

TOS Ministries International set up a booth at an open-air concert on Europaplatz in Tübingen. The visitors were enthusiastic about the projects and…

Graduation in the Day Care Center

In Argentina, the end of the year also marks the end of the school year.

On a Mission in Paraguay and Argentina

Recently a team of young Germans returned from outreach when they visited our projects in Paraguay and Argentina.

Celebrating Christmas Together

Lima, Peru was one of the places where it was possible to celebrate Christmas together.

Mision Fun

The doors of our Day Care Center in a poor neighborhood in San Salvador de Jujuy, Argentina are open despite the pandemic.

Travelling in South America

One member of the team in Germany has been visiting our bases in Ecuador and Paraguay over the last few weeks.

Re-Opening the Day Care in Argentina

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Day Care Center had to remain closed for a while.

"We can count on you!"

Some of them have been with us for twenty years and are therefore among the most loyal supporters of our work: the project sponsors of the Day Care…

Food Donation

The Day Care Center in San Salvador de Jujuy received a generous donation of food.

Anniversary in Jujuy

20 years of the daycare center KiTa in the slums of San Salvador de Jujuy, Argentina. Our first project in Latin America started with the construction…

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