Drug addicts in Eastern and Southern Europe need help. Drug addiction in a growing problem there. The number of addicts is constantly increasing. Russia alone has 8 million drug addicts. We believe that it is possible for these people to break out of the vicious circle of addiction and crime, and for people headed for certain death to be transformed into bearers of hope for their societies. To give them a chance for this transformation we are establishing rehab programs in Belarus, Russia and Greece. In our programs, drug addicts can experience the love of God setting them free from their addictions. Our staff help them to adopt a new life style without drugs. This is a process of several stages.
Our Branches
Contact Stage & Ambulatory Therapy
Once a person addicted to drugs wants to kick the habit, they first have to go through ambulatory therapy with individual and group setting counseling. At the same time they go through withdrawal, and once a week they visit the rehab center to get acquainted with the stationary rehab program. During this stage, the addicts need a lot of time to talk and great encouragement. Our staff go to visit them in hospital and prison, and at the local drug scene. They are also available for counsel at "The Office". In our ministry, it is not uncommon for the addicts to be completely set free from withdrawal symptoms though prayer, enabling them to start stationary rehab even quicker than anticipated.
Stationary Drug Rehab
Usually after the initial withdrawal, the addicts will go through stationary rehab on their way out of drugs. The prime location for this type of therapy is in our rehab center in Belarus. In the course of their approx. 9 months with us, the addicts are thoroughly dealing with their past. They are also gaining extra practical experience to get back in to working life. They are strengthened in their personality, enabling them to take responsibility for their own lives free of drugs.
Third Stage & Follow-Up
After successfully completing the rehab program, it is important for the former addicts to receive good follow-up care. We offer an individual "Third Stage Program". It includes personal support during the reintegration process into society and the labor market. The former addicts live together in shared "Follow-Up Apartments" to put into practice in their everyday life what they have learned in rehab. As the leaders of the "Follow-Up Apartments" have also completed rehab and follow-up process and have made their way into regular jobs, they can easily identify the problems of the former addicts and help them to find solutions.
Sponsor a Former Drug Addict
4 Reasons to Sponsor a Drug Addict
Our sponsors support the drug addicts in the Rehab Center with a regular set amount. There are at least 4 reasons why this kind of support works:
- Success.
Your sponsorship saves the life of a drug addict and causes lasting change. - Above Average Results.
More than 76% of all participants in our Rehab program overcome their addiction for good. In Germany, the average is at 20%. - Effiziency.
Your donation is used for your sponsored rehab patient without any deductions. - Personal Connection.
As sponsor, you receive information on the patient's background and life story.

As sponsor, you commit to supporting a place in the Rehab Center for a former drug addict with a monthly donation of your choice:
- Your monthly contribution can vary between € 30 and € 150 per month.
- You decide how long you would like to be a sponsor for. The rehab patients usually stay with us for 9 months.
- We will suggest a former drug addict for you to sponsor. You will receive a photograph, along with some brief personal information.
- Your donation is used for the therapy costs for a rehab patient as well as expenses for accommodation, food, and vocational training during their stationary therapy.
This is what your sponsorship can do:
- Starting with € 30 per month, you can sponsor a former drug addict.
- With € 75 per month you can pay for ambulatory therapy for a drug addict.
- With € 150 per month you can pay for for a place in full stationary rehab.

For questions, please contact:
Irmela Riehle
Email: irmela.riehle[at]tos.info
Become a Sponsor
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We are processing your information to meet the requirements and regulations and to be able to provide our services, according to Art. 6 Paragraph 1 lit b. GDPR. The fields marked as required in our online forms are necessary to do this. See our privacy policy for more information.
Transformed Lives thanks to Sonsors and Donors

Today Shop Owner
Drugs came into my life when I finished school, cancelling all my dreams, desires, and possibilities. I went through 5 years of hell and horror, and I found no way out. I tried withdrawal in many hospitals, but nothing would work. In 2000, I met some friends who I used to take drugs with. I saw how much they had changed. They had become free of drugs in the rehab center of TOS Ministries International. So I joined the rehab program, and now I am also free of drugs. To this day I am amazed to see the new person I have become, with new thoughts and dreams, with a fresh desire to live and love.
Vadim, fomerly drug addict for 5 years

Alive and Kicking
Oleg was 13 years old when he started taking drugs. Four years ago,our staff visited him in hospital. He was down to 76 pounds. The doctors had told him he was an invalid, and had given him up to die: he was suffering from four different fatal diseases. But the team never gave up on Oleg; they kept praying for him. In the meantime, the doctors have officially confirmed his healing and have cancelled his invalid status. He is now part of the team visiting the hospital, bringing hope to other people.
Oleg, fomerly drug addict for 25 years

Today Helping Others
Lena from Belarus had a lonely childhood. Because of a heart defect and fractured vertebrae she had to spend a lot of time in hospital. To escape depression, she started taking drugs at the age of 15. This gave her life a downward turn for the next 20 years. Her health suffered so much that in the end the doctors did not give her a chance. Lena barely weighed 30 kg when she joined our rehab program. There she learned to love and trust other people, and God completely restored her health, enabling her to overcome drug addiction. Today, all loneliness is gone. Lena is an irreplaceable pillar of our work in Svetlagorsk.
Lena, formely drug addict for 20 years