Today Daisy from Paraguay knows: she will be a police officer when she grows up. But it was not always the case that she could dream of a future of her own. She felt too unimportant for that. She felt like a burden for the adults in her life. Her single mother, overwhelmed with her four children, often sends her away to her grandmother. Daisy sometimes lives there for a whole week without seeing her mother. To be able to buy enough food, the grandmother has to work a lot. She sees her grandmother very little.
When Daisy first heard about "Lluvia de juegos", afternoons when it's raining fun and games in the Transformation House in her neighborhood, she didn't dare to go there at all. In the end she dared to go and now she is a regular guest at the afternoons with games, sports, competitions, music workshops. Daisy loves to paint at the big tables together with the other children. The adults here have time for her, they want to know what is on her mind. Sometimes she also comes by spontaneously on other days, because the door of the Transformation House is always open for children and the staff always have an ear or encouraging word for her. Daisy realized that she is precious and found that she can make something of her life. When it came to the topic of the dream job during one of the afternoons of fun and games, she immediately knew: I want to be a policewoman.