
Online Vacation Program
Not long ago, the vacation programs in Guayaquil and Calderón, Ecuador were in full swing.

The Red Cross in Sucre
Recently, the Red Cross paid a visit to the Transformation House in Sucre, Bolivia.

Easter Surprise in Peru
Last Sunday there was a massive Easter Egg Hunt in the Transformation House in Lima, Peru.

Vacation Time in Calderón
It's the summer vacations in Ecuador and the holiday program is in full swing.

Graduation in Guayaquil
In the poor district of Balerio Estacio in Ecuador's largest city, it is not the norm to attend and complete school to the end.

New Roof for the Clothes Lines in Sucre
In the Transformation House in Sucre, a new roof was built for the laundry area. Now our team and children can leave their laundry to dry outside…

Get the Right Perspective!
Antonia, one of the children in our Transformation House in Sucre, Bolivia, found it difficult to see clearly into the distance. When a child's vision…

Rainy Season in Ecuador
While the rainy season in Ecuador is good for nature, consequences such as flooding can cause some problems for people.

New School Year in Peru
The new school year just started in Peru. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, children in Lima cannot attend school yet.

Return to Germany
In March 2020, Jürgen and Renate Altscher had planned to visit their daughter Manuela, who works at our project in Asunción, Paraguay, for a stay of…

Summer Vacation in Peru
In Peru, the kids are still on summer vacation, but for the children in the Transformation House we offer a free English tutorial class.

Happy Kids in the Bicycle Workshop
Our team have recently started repairing used bicycles for the children in the neighborhood.
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